With her eyes darting around,
All she could see was despair.
Life seemed to have wholly drained out of her,
Her knees gave way and;
There on the ground she sat,
Broken and battered by the reality that;
He left, just like a wisp of smoke,
Vanishing into thin air.
Looking at his back as he left,
Walking side by side with her,
She couldn’t wrap her head around it…
How could he believe her words and not hers?
He said she was his only type.
Why did he switch sides so swiftly?
Why is he so heartless?
He had promised never to collapse under her charm.
Heck, he even swore on his life!
Why did he still get smitten?
She was wrong to trust him.
Her face hurt from reality’s smack,
Compared to that in her ripping heart,
The smack was like a breeze.
It hurts like hell
But she will heal, right?