I promise to keep my eyes closed,
Until the sun sets,
And darkness creeps in
Then I’ll wake up and get absorbed in it
I’ll walk in its strange and quiet path,
And allow myself to feel all I want to feel
Hoping my tears will flow,
And maybe carry away, pieces of my sadness
So that you never get to see me like this
And feel sorry for me.
If it gets overwhelming, then maybe I’ll scream
And the night will carry away my voice,
Alongside my feelings
So that when you see me again,
I’ll look fine.
I promise to not turn the lights on,
Until am sure, it’s all passed away
And then one day, I’ll face you
With a smile on my face, I’ll say
‘I am OK.’
Meanwhile, as long as the night stays
Before the day returns,
Let me ‘not be okay’
Let me feel all this weight,
Until I am ready to unburden it.