The Last Of Farewells

And in that lazy month of June,
On the second lonely morning,
The sun had refused to shine,
It was all dark blue and grey,
A time too calm for the bright day,
But the skies didn’t even react,
When the clock struck mid-morning,
And the worst blank space hit us.

There is something about space,
We tend to ask for it a lot,
Because it allows us revamp,
Fix ourselves, and come back stronger,
It never hurts so bad anyway,
Because we know we c never lose,
But this space was different,
It was the blank that hurt, a lot.

Should have been a normal day,
But on the other side of life,
Of a world we shared in bouts,
Of the bond we truly thrived in,
Of the realities we kept at bay,
Nothing was ever normal again,
Because this time, we lost,
Even when we wanted to win, we lost.

By noon, the skies cleared up,
But the weather hated us,
I for one, hated it there,
There was no point in holding bac,
Because the shock had already spread,
The ocean had turned into a broken lake,
One where everyone was hopeless,
And ready to trade a life, for hers.

Honestly, when the confusion stirred,
There were so many risks,
But what could be riskier than a broken heart?
And what if there were thousands of those?
So many tears had dried up involuntarily,
Perhaps because that is what pain did.
When everything felt numb and the choices,
Didn’t exactly feel like choices anymore.

Instead, it was a new reality,
An emptiness we’d never really fill,
No matter how bad we wanted to,
Others said it was what life did,
Snatching from us what we loved,
Not caring of the damages left,
And yet even then, there were others,
Who were too broken to give opinions.

We’d never see her happy smiles again,
Her beautiful laughter was now an illusion,
That would forever haunt us in every silence.
However, as the ground filled up above her,
There was nothing left,
Just emptiness and longing,
For the girl with the silent cry,
The beautiful soul we had grown to love,
Goodbyes really did suck,
We all felt it that day.

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