Dear My Crush

Hello, my longtime crush,
How are you doing?
It has been a long time since we talked.
I am writing to you this letter
To express my feelings.

Yes, my deep feelings,
That I have been keeping,
I have crush on you
Since the first day
You sent me your voice note.

I know it comes as a surprise,
I know we have never met before or talk about it,
I mean what I’m writing to you,
Please can I get a chance in your heart?

I love you, yes, I love is the word,
The word that I had kept for long time,
The word that I cannot hide anymore,
Crush, can I change contact name,
From crush to hubby?

I love you so much that I no longer hide,
When I see you, my heart beats as fast as deer,
My blood flows in my chin,
I feel like hugging you so tight,
Tight that I cannot let you go away,
My crush, can we link up?
From my heart to you.

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