Again And Again

I have been dreaming of you the whole night,
Just like time, I thought you would pass,
How was I supposed to say goodbye?
We had the greatest time and memories,
It was not easy walking away, it was hard,
But again and again, I thought of us.

I ruined us, pushed you far away,
I made a mistake and started to stumble,
I kept trying to be OK, trying to heal,
But again and again, I kept thinking of you,
Forgetting you became my objective,
Hoping that one day I would move on,
But deep down I wanted to stay.

This morning, the dream was vivid,
I will never be all right without you,
I needed you, so I made the call,
Can we meet? I asked.
It would be lovely, you said,
I needed you to know that I need you,
Again and again, I kept you in my heart.
How could I say goodbye to all the memories?

I felt like a ghost who had gone back to life,
You were so flawlessly gorgeous,
There is nothing I could change in you,
I had missed everything in you,
The warmth of your hug, your glowing eyes,
I kept admiring you again and again,
You are that person, my comfort zone

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