Amazing, intelligent, superwomen and all that
I’m looking at your photo.
My bad. I forgot.
I don’t have any pictures of you.
You were to hold my hand. But you didn’t.
You were to protect me. But you didn’t.
You were to nurture me into a society worthy woman
You didn’t.
You were to be my best friend, my pillar,
You weren’t and haven’t been any of that
You were to be my mother
But you just birthed me.
I don’t know what it is to be loved by my mother
I don’t know how your warmth feels like
I don’t know the strength or weakness of your embrace
Neither do I know what it feels like to long for your mom.
All I know, and all I keep hearing over and over
Is that my mom left. Abandoned me.
Chose to leave and never looked back. Never tried reaching out
So as others get flowers, gift baskets, sweet texts
Beautiful affirmations, praise, glorification
You get nothing. Cause that’s just how life is
You get what you give, don’t you