This Thing Called “Rape”

The smile of a man,
Sometimes deceiving,
Unable to tell when it is fake or real,
A mindset I had at age 12.

Dreams held in my arms,
Seeking strength to grow,
Freeness of my heart,
Joy knowing no bounds.

Faceless creature, I called him,
Disrupting the peace I once had,
Unable to feel my legs anymore,
No one to call for aid.

A constant battle it was with him,
Every day and night,
Thighs became tight,
Unaware of my being.

Lost in deep thoughts,
Dreams I had ceased to exist,
Voice of pain screaming loud in my mind,
Unable to express my feelings.

A grown lady I have become,
His stings still bite deep,
How evil can this faceless creature be?
Unable to live freely again.

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