Is it possible to find a goddess like Hera today?
Because I can swear I see one twenty feet away,
Unless my dreams are messing my subconscious,
And my brain cells have totally become dormant,
Or my eyes are dancing kumbaya during the day,
Or I just haven’t had enough sleep for so long.
Whichever game my senses are playing now,
I see a woman, who has redefined perfection.
I look at her, and just like every person in the room,
I’m amazed, astounded and dazed, by this brainy beauty.
Each step calculated, she strides to the white board,
Her projector ready and her remote at hand. Organized.
My mind really wants to focus on her perfection,
But I’m whipped by her intelligence and stature,
So I fight the weary thoughts, and try focusing,
Focusing on the content she has for the board today.
Then she starts talking, giving us her presentation,
Showing us her latest project for the company,
And the plans she has structured with her team,
Giving us the pros and probable cons of the project.
Her confidence levels are over the top, atta girl,
And somehow I know she knows what she wants,
That too with how to get whatever she wants,
She’s so perfect, this beauty with intelligent brains.
The people in the room seem to have disappeared,
And I don’t even realize I’ve been in a trance for long,
Until she poses a question my way, and I’m blank.
Shamefully I request her pardon and try focusing.
Two hours into the meeting my mind wanders again,
Thinking of the way this woman commands respect,
Without even having to demand it from anyone,
I make a mental not to myself to know more of her later.
Away from the office, I realize she is just as perfect.
Despite her status in the office, she is here with them,
Here at the community plantation, digging the dirt,
Without any protection, just like the other people,
And her clothes are different, but she does not mind.
I ask the old lady watching them work who she is,
And her response has me thinking again and hard,
The response shuts my ego in the roughest was ever.
The old lady describes her as the pure wildflower,
The woman who does not mind helping people,
Who sacrifices a lot just to see people happy,
Who is not scared to take risks, even if she’s hurting,
Because she wants people to see her for who she is,
Beyond the rich family and last name she has.
This is so awesome, I think to myself, then I realize,
I was just reading a column, on the daily newspaper.
I pause my reading and remember the woman in my life,
I realize that you, my love, are just like the pure wildflower,
With a heart of gold and the endless desire for the better.
You my love, are like this brainy beauty, a simple lady.
And for the hundredth time, I love you even more.