I, man of silent fire,
A pessimist in a plane,
Always ready with a parachute,
Today, I cry,
As a man without beards and huge veins,
I smoke the engine,
My world is shut down,
The giant in me has been ripped off.
I, man of lazy furs,
I feel cold but I’m shy like mimosa plant,
I bear shame with irregular shapes,
Today, a rational man has been befallen,
He can’t keep hope on a slow train…
I, man of roaring ego,
Has been humbled with pain,
He enjoys the rain under the torn umbrella,
The fire he breathes has been extinguished,
I feel battered by thick mud…
Creature of emotions, I suffer.
I, man of rigid wisdom,
My thunder has been muzzled,
My water no longer quench thirst,
I stoop by their bawl.
I, man of the innocent sun,
Today, I am low in the moon, easy it doesn’t come.
I sink but I’ll never drown.