Pluck up the courage to decide
the course, to understand it isn’t
a matter of age to be gaged,
Courage is a pledge for
infinite possibilities,
Courage is all the caveman had,
It took courage for him to triumph over
beasts lurking in the thickets with bloodlust,
it took a ton of courage for him to leave
the cave, the home he knew, the home
that kept him from chills, from harm, the
home that was to preserve his life story for
generations to come,
It only takes a moment for one to find
courage, before clashing in battle
defending what one profoundly believes,
before setting foot on the shuttle on a
long voyage to space, before getting on one’s
knee to propose to that one special person,
before one walked to the altar, leaving the
family one has known for all one’s life for
a family known for just awhile,
Courage urges one to relinquish
the cocoons of comfort, to reach new
heights, to reach the depth
of the unknown, to pull the seemingly
impossible feats,
C ourage is not just an
O utlandish claim, it is the
U tmost drive. Undoubtedly, it’s the
R eason the status quo exists,
A nd if you
G rilled and found this spark,
E verything is possible.