Dear love, i hope you’re well,
I have millions reasons to write to you,
Thank you for filling my life with love,
Im happy to say without you im empty,
Without you, im an indecent hater,
Without you, im a creature at war,
You glue me together,
When things are tough,
You bring me hope to keep on,
You hold me and my friends together,
You hold me to my family,
You hold me intact to the universe,
Without you, i can only imagne,
Worst will happen when you vacate,
I’ll perish in all aspect,
You help me be nice to me,
You teach me to be kind to others,
You remind me anger is a waste of energy,
You compress my emotion togehter,
Needlessto say, i resect you,
For bringing the best in me,
For showing me the right path,
For being my daily virtue,
Love i love you,
Your love is priceless,
Thank you love.