
Is it faith or gasoline that I need?
Should I keep moving or goodbye bid?
Away should I turn or to the voice heed?
Will this wound heal or still bleed?
Could someone listen to me I plead

The sand in the hour glass reduces
As down I keep breaking in pieces
Can my beam still balance the weight?
Or are all these just but fate?
Or maybe a trap like a bait

Unto me the shepherd’s rod was given
Behind it responsibilities were hidden
A pen between my fingers was placed
And success is what they needed
Now tell me, will my beam still balance the weight?

Will I deligently lead the flock?
Or astray will they go beyond
Will I manage success to unlock?
Or will I simply throw everything in the pond?
Now tell me, will my beam still balance the weight?

What if I write a letter
Will things get any better?
Will I get their support
As though a senior in Porte?
Now tell me, will my beam still balance the weight?

Uncertain I stand still at the bay
Down I bow my head to pray
I don’t even know what to say
Save me from this road am on
I long to be so far away gone


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*Osprey Empire*

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