You still the one…
Its me again
Hating you has no gain
Wanna love you till the very end
My heart for you it yearns
When i see you it pounds
My world you rock
Though down you once knocked me
Promises made you broke
Still I believe in the bond.
The one we once made
That its you and me
Aaaw yea! Just you and Me
Till the end of time
Time passes and i still wait
One day we gonna meet
And forever we gonna link
Never again to part
Coz a portion of my heart
Already you stole.
For you i will always toil.
To bring the union to a coil.
Even if my blood will boil
The day the reality Strucks.
And I will have to accept
That you were never a good attempt
A mistake you were my worst
Even though I loved you the most.
Some memories I detest
But truth be told
That u still the one
The one I love in life’s rest
Yes! You still the one❤