The leading Savings & Credit Co-
operatives in Kenya, Harambee Sacco
has today launched instant card-
issuance to members. This means
that members of Harambee Sacco
can, from today apply for and instantly receive a Visa Debit card
and immediately start using the
card to transact in the usual way
at any Visa-branded outlet including
ATMs, Co-op Bank Agents or to shop
at Visa-branded outlets and online
This instant card-issue system is
enabled by the Co-operative Bank. It
gives the Sacco the capability to
print Visa Debit Cards right at the
branch, at that very moment a
customer applies for a card.
This is a first for Saccos, and a huge
change from the current practice
where members have to wait for upto two weeks to receive their Visa
debit cards.
Harambee Sacco is one of the largest
Saccos in Africa with over 70
thousand members, an asset base of
Ksh 30 Billion and runs 6 branches
spread across the country.
Speaking at the launch held at head
office of the Sacco – Harambee Sacco
House, the Chairman of Harambee
Sacco Mr. Macloud Malonza lauded
the partnership between Harambee
Sacco and Co-operative Bank that
enabled the new solution, which
will significantly boost convenience
for Sacco members saying; “The launch of this instant card
issuance is timely, indeed overdue,
as it will greatly enhance
convenience for our members who
from today no longer have to wait
for weeks before they receive their
cards. Furthermore, this instant
issuing of cards is consistent with
Government guidelines intended to
minimise the use of cash in favour of
cashless transactions in an effort to
reduce the risk of spreading COVID-