Kicking in slowly like some typpa sedative, he inhaled all that came his way in the name of love. Drunk in love, high like a king who got an empire all to himself. He laughed, he loved and he lived. He had a living ‘drug’ in his life whose just a mere scent made him go all loco. Something was definitely up. He was getting addicted.
As a person just like all of us, crowd mentality mattered a lot to him. He would call himself a public figure though no one knew how much weight that carried. There was a little secret that his love of life was hiding. She was a drug user.
A user under the carpet no one got to know until the signs started showing up. She was an angel from the outside but a dark devil spirit reckoned from within. How bad could it have been? How steep or intense was it going to be later if nothing was to be done about it?
Many of us have got this notion that drugs can help us cope with anything that pops up as a matter of concern. Well, I don’t really know how that true is, all I’m sure about is drowning one self into drugs which later lead to addiction is not the solution.
I understand that genuine love is very hard to find, especially in a generation where evil is prevailing and almost everyone is showing an outer skin to the world hiding the darkness that is within.
No matter how hard or stressful it might be, love or better said relationships cannot run smoothly with drugs along them. It’s a personal choice. At the end of the day, only an individual can fully decide what they really want.
It’s a loose loose or a win win game. You loose love, trust and a great person through drugs and loose your sanity as well , or quit drugs and win the person you love as your sanity remains intact.
Food for thought.
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Osprey Empire.