Before I came to campus, I had expectations. I won’t lie because I know everyone did at one point in time. I had my life set, I already had a timetable beforehand, I knew what to do, my schedules were set to the point that I had the alternates ready in the event that nothing was as I expected. But such is a freshman’s life. Oh well it’s safe to say that a good percentage of my expectations got drained down the latrines. See thing is, my life was planned, everything was planned. My to do lists were already set, my foster and don’t did including the list of things to stay away from, I was set.
When I came to campus, I was surprised yet excited at the same time. It was big, very big. But it was not as beautiful as the gazettes had stated, it was different, the old kind of different. It’s safe to say it was the faded beauty, but still it was amazing to be here yikes. Who am I kidding, I wasn’t excited to join this campus.
To me it was just another school, another boarding school where my parents sent me to because somehow along the way they had gotten tired of my adolescent rants. So no, I wasn’t excited. I had everything planned because that’s what the boarding schools had forced into my system. I was more of an angry kid with nowhere to rant, sad, right. Oh I don’t need any pity. Anyways, the structures were okay.
Admission day went by fast, finding my way around campus a hectic task ahead, but I had to do this. Maybe if I stayed here for some time, mother wouldn’t have to scream at my face anymore. So I settled in, to say the least. The first night was baaaad, very very bad I swear. The mattresses had some tiny bugs which I later learnt were bedbugs. They bit like hell and it was impossible to sleep, especially when every moment the bugs were crawling all over, it really was horrible. I was so used to my comfortable bed home that this was just like torture. I later on learnt that the bugs were referred to as the micro~comrades. I can never forget my first night in campus.
Y’know my first night in high school was okay, the beds were definitely not comfortable but I could have picked those beds over the beds in this goddamn institution. And to think I would be stuck here for four years, oh sweet heavens. I had to slap my face every night and leave the lights on because these things never died. All they ever did was bite, bite and make my life horrible.
The fact that most freshmen were undergoing the same was no consolation at all.As days went by, the bugs didn’t stop despite the fact that we slept on over chemicalised mattresses. The damn things just couldn’t die, Oh the horror.
I later realized I had to find my way to class, but this campus was big. I was sure of getting lost, and I was also very certain of being scammed along the way. But I was ready in my unreadiness. The scammers would meet their mate then if that is what it took.
My goddamn campus Experience. How was your experience in campus? If you want to share your experience just send us an email Or you can call, text or WhatsApp here. Let’s share our experiences. Until next time, be well.