Its okay to get hurt.
Its okay to be in doubt.
Its okay if you sink in a boat.
Its okay not to have it all figured out.
Its okay to feel left out.
Its okay if they broke your trust.
Its okay if all feels lost.
Its okay if you got a lot to fight.
Its okay if its all stormy and you don’t know how to end it.
Its okay to lack photos to post.
Its okay to feel in pain and be filled with guilt.
Its okay to feel so much hate.
Its okay to carry much burden in your heart.
Its okay to feel torn apart.
Its okay if all ain’t okay and it’s a a fake smile you gotta paint.
Because no matter what happens.
As it is what it is .
Everything is still gonna be okay.
All you need is to always pray.
By kerubo siko.
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