Disclaimer. The writer does not offer solutions or hacks and is no expert.
I’ve been talking to some people and it appears that for many of us, our mental health is far from ?.
When did we get here? How did we get here? Siwezi waambia.
Kuna some possibilities:
?The unemployment rates?
?The increasing cost of living?
?Stealing of public funds?
?Social media usage?
?Our government?
?The not so healthy family relatios?
?Societal pressure?
?Compliations of romantic relationships?
?State of being broke(I understand si kila mtu amesota).
I don’t know about you but a number of people admit to having reduced motivation and energy, increased frequency of low moods and feeling tired, reduced hope, suicidal tendancies, feeling overwhelmed, poor concentration, getting easily distracted, increased indulgence(sex, substances, food or sleep) or is some cases reduced indulgence in some of the previous mentioned behaviours.
Covid-19 then came to worsen an already bad situation. Its presence has caused monumental distress to minds that were alredy is distress not to forget livelihoods which results to mental distress. Isolation, social distancing and restricted movement didn’t make matters any easier. Not to forget that businesses collapsed, ata kama zingine zilinawiri. Our economic situation deteriorated dragging our mental health with it.
What is the cause of the declining mental wellness or state of okayhood?
I am speculating. I could be wrong. Everyone has their truth and justification or explanation for actions and events. And, labda I am forcing patterns na kuforce issues.
People are having breakdowns, confusions and dying by suicide or murder -even when not at war-more often.
What is happening to us. To our world. To your world?
What is going on in your life and has your mental health taken a hit(heat)?
Here at Osprey, we would like you to offload on us. Chat with us.