I loved her but she loved me not in return,
I truly cared for her but she only gave me a heartburn,
My commitment to her bore no fruits,
She just cared less like arthritis,
Data warnings worried her more than I did,
She even forgot that we both said ,’yes I do,
Our vows are now a thing of the past.

The best shared memories are now fantasies,
The sizzling love we shared is now thrown beyond seas,
I was then the love king in her jungle,
She even gave me a promise bangle,
And assured me of till death do us apart love,
How could I have doubted with her innocence of a dove?
Or do doves even know how to lie?

So am here now, heartbroken and hurt,
On my head is a large baggy hat,
It covers my eyes and makes my tears unnoticed,
Am still amazed how things have now unfolded,
But again, I have learnt it a hard way,
I will never again in love fully sway,
If it means to love again, I will do it with my throat,
So that when it gets bitter, I will swallow it.

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