Family, is supposed to mean everything,
Teach of the social values and their importance,
Improve our views of and in the society.
It is supposed to be the pillar of our lives,
The place we draw our greatest strength,
The realest of relationships in the universe.
But what happens, when one in the family,
Despises and breaks all the moral rules?
I once knew normal, peace and content,
Joy, freedom, beautiful carefree emotions.
I once had a life that was more like paradise.
One where only work could have me stressing,
Where everything happened whenever I wished,
A life that I had absolute control over.
And I was happy with the life I lived,
Then I fell in love, something I had no plans for.
Round beautiful eyes, full puckered lips,
Chubby cheeks, a tiny beautiful nose,
Little ears and waist long hair. Perfection.
She was beautiful, so close to perfect,
A charmer and that’s how I first saw her.
She was, whom I had fallen deeply in love.
Always. Mine. Love. She was my sweet love,
The one who had me absolutely drunk in love.
I loved her with every fiber of my being,
Every breath that I took, I belonged to her.
She owned me, and all that I had.
I gave her my all, including my sanity.
I was whipped, and happy, we both were,
Or so I thought and fed my consciousness.
I proposed her marriage and she happily said yes,
But a month later she married my brother.
Christian. My brother. The one rival I had.
He was good looking, I was handsome,
He had dirty blonde hair, probably never cleaned,
I had dark hair, well kempt and in locks.
He was poor in video games, I was good.
He was 5’8, I was 6’2 and we never loved.
We had everything we ever wished for,
But he always wanted what was mine.
He was who manipulated everything,
So they would be fitting for his benefits,
Who always wanted everything I ever had,
Because he felt he deserved them more.
She knew everything about my brother,
I had warned her to keep away from him,
But she would not just listen to me.
She left me for him and if only I could ask her,
I would ask just one question, why?