SHADOWED (Yuvaan ft Osprey)

My dad had been my greatest inspiration,
Which spearheaded my springs into action,
His brains wouldn’t work bare, because normally,
He wouldn’t care, and so I set my first step in this journey,
That brought me here today, for I not only drink chaos,
But also sniff the atmosphere like cows, my sweet curse.

My steps have grown weak, my lungs always been sick,
I stay hungrier, even though I eat less smoke.
My home is now away, the streets are where I lay,
The sounds of coins in plastic, are all I can say.
I regret having a parent like me, probably too late,
Because it is not what I wanted to be, not ever.

The morning’s here, I’m not even sure whether it really is or not,
My back aches, I really need to get a bed, but then again,
I sold it all, or better yet, auctioned it, for coke,
Something that has been my best friend since I met my adolescence,
My head hurts, the price to pay for the cold nights out here,
But even this early or late or whichever time of day it is,
I’m starved, I feel an endless desire and craving for my sanity’s drug.

I move from one stall to the other, seeking help,
Just like my mother did, when he kept all to himself,
I ran away from that center, now pplaying hide and seek in the city.
Just because I look different, they even fear touching me
They avoid me, and in the dark, I’m painted like a thief.
My pennies are lost in powder, sprinkled,
My notes are wrapped around bottles, my lifeline.

I stare at the reflection looking back at me,
The mirror filled with scattered paint,
I’m not even sure what my face looks like at the moment,
Three years away from the shack I used to call home,
Has me wallowing in insane self love, desperation.
I stop to think of my supposed children and their whore of a mother,
Or maybe it was just me who messed up,
Not that I have anyone to admit it to,
My family was burnt to crisp, by them,
Who loved my addiction, more than I loved my own family.

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