I look at her, ours, this sweet angel,
She’s nibbling her cute tiny fingers,
A smile plastered on her cute face,
Everything is cute about this baby.
Of course she’s ours that why.
She’s got her toy tracks with her,
And it looks like she’s thinking,
But so am I, even as I watch her.
Subconsciously my eyes drift there,
To that seat, the one that has it all,
All our memories and moments,
Memories of our late nights,
Everything we enjoyed together.
My mind focuses on the what ifs,
The maybes and maybe not,
The how’s and why’s. Frustrated.
I feel so angry, so disappointed,
And it hurts more than I admit,
I’m left with lots of questions,
Of where our paths strayed,
And why it came to this point,
Why our lives fell apart, torn.
My heart is bleeding dry,
And I don’t know what to do.
You chose the club over us,
The beer and alcohol bottles,
Over the baby’s feeding bottle,
The adrenaline rush that you got,
Everytime you went clubbing,
You chose that over our baby,
Over the mother she needed,
And over her beautiful laughs.
You never chose us your family,
You chose them who partied.
I have no qualms against parties,
But you left our baby for that.
I loved you and maybe I still do,
But I made a promise to my angel,
That I would always protect her,
Even if it meant from you, her Ma.
But damn, you were my shining stars,
My pride and now I have to keep her,
Away from your new characteristics.
I swear on the stars, I loved you,
I wanted to build a family with you,
I saw a bright future with you,
But you stole that away from us,
You ruined us, you screwed us.