Discovering your self identity and upholding your self worth.


Self is not something which one finds ,it is something one creates. People are not born with identity, it evolves over time in a bid to discover the person we call ‘I’. It is basically how you see yourself, identify yourself and how you behave when faced with a given challenging situation. Understanding this allows you to examine who you are and more importantly create who you want to be.

There is a thin line between self identity and personal identity. Personal identity deals with who you are, your values, habits, opinions, physical features, beliefs, goals while self identity reveals how you view yourself and more importantly how you feel about yourself. With self identity you are able to understand yourselves and set boundaries as to what will you accept as behavior to and from yourself or rather the ability to say YES or NO towards a given situation.

One cannot make a talk on self identity complete without talking about self esteem. It is the most important skills that helps us to feel positive emotions and beliefs towards ourselves. Self esteem is majorly controlled by confidence. A drop in the confidence level results to a drop in self esteem and long-term feelings of negativity towards self eventually lowers the self esteem.

In addition, when a person feels helpless each time he/she is faced with a challenge. He/ she ends up in a state of learned helplessness where he feels he cannot redeem himself. An example is when you are stuck in a given situation you don’t like but can’t leave.


Self worth, on the other hand, means having value for self. It is a feeling that you are a good person who deserves to be treated better. it posits that an individual’s main priority is self acceptance.

Bear in mind that your bank account balance, attractiveness, social media following or job title have nothing to do with yourself worth. We all get caught up in the chase after success, status, money and popularity in a bid to prove our worth which is not right.

We can uphold our self worth through SELF-UNDERSTANDING. Imagine everything you have is suddenly taken away from you, your friends, your social life, your phone. How would that make you feel? What actually seems to be of value? Most of us are the people whose happiness depends on what they have or the people around them.This is often unhealthy and we all need to learn how detach our self worth from what we have. This is what I’d call’ LEARN TO BE YOUR OWN BACKUP.

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