Hey addiction,

It’s high time we have a talk,

I don’t know how fast our relationship happened,

Or why it happened,

Jumping from higher heights to deeper depths,

But I can feel myself fall,

And just before I lose it all,

Let’s talk.

I know I chose you over those pills and rope,

Because I felt you promised me hope,

We both understand you were never my first choice,

But still, I chose you,

You hid me from all those emotional wounds,

Kept me blinded to reality,

I loved the way you kept my pain at bay,

You kept me distracted,

Enough of putting the delusion around,

Profound because I was a wreckage,

Taught me to keep my eyes off the bleeding,

So I did.

I grew so free to lock myself,

In your so familiar chains,

You were always a faithful friend,

There for me when I needed you,

But always there even when I didn’t,

Never understood who I really I was,

Because I was so convinced

I was somebody else altogether,

So thank you because you did take my pain away,

But screw you for taking my joy with it too.

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