I haven’t lived a very long life yet, but from what I’ve seen in my little experience, if I’d even call it experience, is that in this generation, hearing someone say they are in love is hilarious. I swear I’m not pessimistic but if we are being real, most of the things we do under the blanket of love don’t make sense at all. I’m not against love, as a matter of fact I love it when two people show each other how they care for one another. Its only sad that most of the people don’t mean they say. Its like we live in a world where you have to give me this and I have to give you that in return.
We have weird expectations of the people we fall in love with. It is these expectations that ruin us and then when the expectations are not met, we start becoming advisors and preachers. I mean what the hell sweetheart, we weren’t with you when you were signing that damned contract so why should we know when you people mess up. Its kind of pathetic. These made up expectations make us dependent on our partners like we were some parasites who can’t live without our hosts.
Well like I said I’m not a pessimist really but if you tell me about the love of your life and you are under thirty years old, well darling you need prayers, if you are a believer that is. I will literally laugh at you and you may probably get pissed but as always truths suck. I don’t see the point of tying yourself to a person when you can live your life to the fullest without having to worry about so many things.
Life has stages, but you don’t have to be stupid through all those stages. I’m not saying that you can only find the love of your life at thirty, but that is the age when at least one of you is mature enough to know what to do when shit hits the fan. For someone to be the love of your life, they must really have a high tolerance for all your crap. And that takes a lot of energy, a lot.
We all are humans but there can only be so much that you can tolerate. Before you get your ass up and start calling someone the love of your life, you should really be careful about who you are going to tie yourself to. That’s just friendly advice, not that you asked. I’m no love doctor but people really need to stop with the expectations, you’ll get hurt and we already got enough preachers to last us lifetimes. I’ve been thinking about these ladies who go around calling every Tom, Dick and Harry who treats them just a little bit good the love of their lives. What is it with you people? I get that ladies get attached real quick but seriously, you need to get a life because neither of your loves will be yours or was ever yours to begin with. Wake up will ya?
Stop with the love of my life shit, it is becoming an anthem nobody signed up for. How many love of your lives will you have? Y’all here claiming to have gotten the one when you are just a dumb twenty-something mid adolescent. Sleep and think of a future first then you can scream about the love of your life later. Get a life. Again, I’m no pessimist or love doctor. I’m just a realist. If you think otherwise, let the comments come.