Episode 2

14th sept 2014,
I got to my school of choice with high hopes. Not hoping to get a first or second class upper, but hopes of getting a man that will marry me and that was my biggest mistake. In every man I saw I would grade them with their potentiality and finally within a week I found love. Young, dumb, and in love, we had it all that love could offer. Time went by and the more we stood watching the moon at night, the more our love was blown away.

The closer we were to each other, the more our hearts distanced. The chemistry we had reached its peak. Endpoint they say, since no more reaction could take place. I had two options left, walking away or running away. A-way had to be created. Out of desperation alcohol was now my friend, and one night stands were to make me feel better, I mean I never lacked a partner. A girl who was a praise team member, was now using her talent in Karaoke live in clubs.

As fate would wish, something happens, a strike at school, and she has to go home. Out of her praise team she finds a man, wise and older than she is, she loves him and expresses her feeling. The man loves her and makes her change. He doesn’t know the impact he makes to her and she gets saved and takes a turn in life. Salvation is sweeter, listening to worship brings her a deep feeling greater than love.

Two years down the line she resumes back to school, now not in search for a husband for she has mature love but settling for education.

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