When The Sunsets

Said He would Never Leave
Memories of the first time they met still linger,
he walked from the Sunrise
illuminating her world,
He collected all her broken Pieces,
see she was Scattered mess,
They built a world from the rubbles,

The First time they kissed
his kiss Painted her world,
He made her his vault
it’s not her fault that
he treasured her,
Everytime he saw that shine
I mean his smile she
She clinged tighter as they climbed for the Sun’s shine,
She lived for the Moments of endless sweetNothings,
and For the first time
her shine shone,

Then He Left,
and her reality came Crushing down,
doom came and run up her wall,
What happened to the Blues’?
She used to Live for the blues
but out of the Blues
blue became her war Paint,
She was so fond of his Cuddles,
now she huddles herself together
as her walls Cave in,
that Surge comes in,
She let’s it Crush her
Because Tragic was the day
Her Sun Set,


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