Open letter to the president
Dear Mr President……..
What’s happening?!
I thank ALMIGHT that you got elected.
Not because you are religious person.
No, I did not vote for you.
And no, you are not perfect.
But you are good Man …….Yap solid good Pipo.
How do I know that?
Well, you don’t know me, but you and I, go back.
Way back… Back in days, more than 10 years ago.
When you moved into our neighborhood.
I was just a teen back then, Just lost my grandmother. A single granny.
And I was about to loose a house. By the way of greedy people,
You were heavenly sent.
You moved in just as I got 6 weeks notice to move out the house.
I was thinking to myself, where in the earth, me and my little brother
we are going to live. Worst how we gonna finish school.
And our income depended on the land around the house,
through gardening and few hundreds chickens.
You used little power you had back then to help us keep the house.
Not for money,
Not for power,
Not even for political reasons,
But because someone told you our situation, and you could help.
You did not know us. I don’t even remember if I said thank you.
This is why I’m writing you this letter.
I wish I can reach you, but now that you are president is harder.
I hope one day this letter gonna find you.
This time I don’t want to forget to say …..
Thank you President Kenyatta.
What you did back then, shaped my life today and bright morrow.
Hope you will use what you have now to help more people.
GOD bless you more.