Ever since you left me I haven’t lived,
My identity long lost on me, i don’t even recognise the stranger in the bathroom light. I always thought it would forever be us, never thought I’d have to run alone
See, you knew me so well darling, even more than I know me now
You always knew how to tame me, how to bring me to my knees, to submission,
You had a way of loving me so freely, like how petals from a rose fell so slowly and graciously.
Even when I was tripping, you held me in an embrace so safe i never contemplated any evil,
how you took care of me like I was all you lived for, like I was your purpose for all you knew and believed
I keep yearning for that touch as I lay so still in bed,
That touch that drove me from myself and made me one with all of you, that touch that got me wild, crazy and so calm at the same time. That very dangerous touch that had me pinning for you like a crazed dog for food
I miss your voice, no it wasn’t an angel’s, but it was one so ideally beautiful my demons danced to it as my heart beat along.
But now, they run so free, all of them wanting differently I wouldn’t know what to hold onto
They’ve got me on an infinity cycle of pure hell and sorrow I could only see myself as a perfect piece of disorder and chaos, painted so vaguely on a thin sheet that represents whatever little life and soul they’ve not yet sucked out

Save me love, they are cruel, they want me to forget our love, they want me to forget you. They say its not worth crying for a dead man, that my cries go unheard. They say that you have forgotten me, forgotten us.
I feel so torn I could only paint my wrists red as I feed on my sorrowful tears,
My once strong and beautiful heart now tired and shrouded in darkness almost as if it didn’t wanna work no more.
Love, I wish you’d told me it was time for you to leave, I wish I’d have known He was planning to take you so soon, maybe then I’d have had died in your arms too, like you died in mine that morning.
Save me love, I can’t survive this world alone, take me with you.
Save me from myself.

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