Laid my head upon his chest
Listened to his heart beat
Shuddered at his very touch
Yearned for his sweet lips
He pulled me up to him
Crashed his lips into mine
I remember the almost
Death experience
As he held me in his arms and caressed my body

I remember the explosion
The conflict within my body
The unexplainable rush of adrenaline
All from the first time
The undiluted ecstasy, given without limits
The surreal high and unimaginable feats
Damn, I swear I died.

I’m left insatiated, poignant
My demons run free now
Untameable, I feel scattered
Left for the wind
Its sad, yet so beautiful.

Now I’ll sit and reminisce
feeding on the thought of your roaring kiss
Trace my fingers where you once did
Yearn for that high I’ll forever miss
A loving so dangerous it almost broke me.

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