Too afraid to freak out
in an alien place,
too stunned to make
an intelligible word,

Everything I’ve done was to reach
this place, and now that am here, am
clueless, lost in a place longed-for,
to follow the tide is all am left,

Girls with make up so heavy they’d slip
right there among the gypsies, Guys
trying so darn hard to be impressive,
brute or brains, shy or bold all in a mix,

Off a rocky start, with nothing but a pair
of bags, a rolled up matress, a backpack and
an enormous dream, a dream that this
peculair place supposedly will make a reality,

Am not backing out, not after what I
had to go through. Undeniably, am afraid,
but who isn’t? change is always freightening,
It comes like the thunder after lightening,
the first instinct is to flee, and bury the head
in sand, So goes the ballad of the

C ite this as
A proof of my growth,
M y evolution, it
P recedes my Success,
U ndoubtedly, it
S uperseds my failures.

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