no, your heart couldn’t come close to being golden
nor your soul any nearer to utmost purity
but your smile will always show the good that reigns in you
a woman strong enough to build and destroy
yes beautiful but also intelligent, they’d be fools to mess with that
a book of a thousand poems wouldn’t even come close to capturing the idea that is you
a soul so consistent on its just victory, a loving heart strongly guarded by shrewd ways
stern but warming personality to cover you all up

its been another full year now for you, they say we all grow
but it is my sweet hope that you won’t
that as much as the years may be harder or greater for you
you’d never lose that childish spirit that burns out all the wretched times away
that pure and kindred soul that looks upon people like me
that crazy yearning for stupid fun and improper jokes without thought
that many more years to come I’d be able to look upon you and be glad for such a young and youthful mind never corrupted by fear of time

but also dear, I hope you have a very beautiful life
one filled with hope for a greater future
one so great your name will shake them to the ground even when they lay you someday
for you I wish happiness and good health, so that you may finally be able to take pride and awe at how far you’ve gone
I sincerely hope that amidst all your troubles you’ll always be able to harness the greatness within yourself and wear the crown to every occasion unshaken

so live long Winnie
long enough to paint them a picture of what life really is about
long enough so years later I might get a chance to dine with not only a great friend but also a really mean prick?

one that I’ve come to love and depend on
long enough they’ll write about how you taught them how to be without wondering about purpose
long enough to be finally able to look back and say, I truly lived, and I loved it.
Live long my dear friend.
With much love❤
Happy birthday Winnie.

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