What if we turn the story around?
What if we realize the need to emphasize on the fact that this is the first Environment a child comes in contact with?
What if we realize that it’s the same environment that shapes the child in a holistic manner?
Mentally, Emotionally …..
We need to ask ourselves as a society where do we go wrong?
What can we do to change the tales of “broken families?”
Its becoming a cliché
Sadly a discussion that isn’t taking place
I would boldly say it is playing a big role in creating a wounded society instead of a healthy society
No one choses where they are born
It’s a gift we all receive at birth
And I believe it’s the desire of every child to live in a happy home
Seeing mum and dad being the teammates that they ought to be
Loving each other and allowing that love to trickle down to the kids
Emulation, development, character formation, attitude, mindset, belief system
All these variables a child picks up because as they come into the world
They are a blank book with pages that thirsts for content
The kind of content that goes into these pages
Have massive impact on the life of that particular child
Should we point fingers?
No, because it’s not a blame game conversation
Instead we need to approach from the angle what should be done with the issue at hand?