Tonight, was his first time,
In all the years,tonight he hit me,
Tonight he raised his hand on me,
He left a mark seen and unseen,
A pain to the heart and body,
But dawn brought a different sway,
An apology on his lips,
And a rose on his hand,
A promise of change,
I believed him.
Tagged it as a moment of weakness,
A slip of anger,
But that was the beginning,
A start of the pain,the tears,the scars,
That was his start,
Nights changed, from sweet to sour,
Secure to insecure,
Happy to sad,
A home to a battle field,
He was the authority and I was the subject,
From his wife I became his object,
But then Who was I to object.?
I was his,until her,
Possession changed ,
Ours to theirs,
My home to their home,
I remained a guest to my own home.


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