Fate hasn’t been kind, it has stolen
all the happiness from my house, the
warmth that once was is no more,
what’s left is cold, anguish and pain.
Hell has been set loose,

Bruises, blackeyes, broken bones is
what I wake up to, I’ve cried over
and over again, blubbering till all tears
have dried. Hell has been set loose, and
all I see is pain,

Countless times I have drown in
hopelessness with nothing to hold on to,
encircled with darkness, no place to turn,
no reason to push forth, and everytime
it seemed like the last stroke, only to get some
more. Hell has been set loose, and I’ve been
Left helpless,

I have tried to escape my reality with drugs,
with alcohol, but one can just escape long
enough, Soon my reality catches up. Hell has
Been set loose, and there isn’t escaping,

Fighting demons is all I’ve known, perhaps
it’s all I’ll ever know, with no sense of
belonging, no place to really call my own,
a prisoner in my so called home,
my husband a tyrant, and my poor
child caught in between. Hell has been set
loose, and everything is up in flames,

I have struggled to nurse Wounds, to act
strong, but now am withered from batterings
over the years, My smiles have faded and
almost non-existant, I have been engrossed
in grief that life is a run of the mill. Hell
has been set loose, and it has consumed all
the cheers, all the love,

For I only have a single progeny, and doctors
have found me with secondary infertility, they
attribute it to injuries I sustained on my womb,
injuries that the one I hold most dearest begot,
Perhaps fate isn’t so cruel after all, I wouldn’t
wish for someone else to live this nightmare,
to join a roller coaster of never-ending agony,
We are broken, broken beyond fixing,
for hell has been set loose,

I don’t know how my son will turn out, for
sons emulate their fathers. But dear son,
before you rise you hand on a woman,
remember this battered face,
remember these bloodshot eyes,
remember the nights you stayed awake
as a I cried on the floor, remember the time
you found me with a rope around my neck.
When you do, you’ll know better than
to unleash a living hell on your family.


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