The fork made a clatter as it hit the tiled floor,
A steak whizzed past, missing me with an inch,
My sister banged her fist on the table, the utensils
making a clang, got to her feet infuriated,
Dad’s eyes radiating dread, mom awestricken from
the speedily turn of events,
I, suddenly dumbfounded, who wouldn’t be?
My big mouth had just landed me into hot soup,
A secret that had long been kept was out in the open,
Thanks to me, my sister was to face the wrath of my parents,
The room was cold, it felt as if dark clouds had rolled in
and rain would shortly fall,
Dinner was ruined, thanksgiving tossed out the window,
Too bad a time to come yapping,
A surge of coldness overhwelmed me, I was frozen,
Beans spilled, the cat hauled out the bag,
My sister wearing a murderous look,
A lump trapped in my throat,
I just had to spoil everyones night, huh?
A teenage girl was pregnant, and I laid it
right there, with no regard of the consequences