_poet Jonteh fit Gastavas Hearts_
They said time is the master healer
Have seen many get broken over time
Time brings more disappointments and regrets
Pain after pain and life has to move
Only trees blossom with time
But for a while too
Even leaves wither in time
Everything falls when it’s time comes
Except for tities
Men can bring them down before harvesting season
But that’s nature
The clock always sails through the storms
They say everything has its own time
At the end it will be fine
If it’s not, then it’s not the end
But we have fallen soldiers in escalating war
Pain, agony and mourning over demise
Hunger from poverty followed by floods
Deforestation in eroded lands and permanent rivers
How is it well at the end?
If it brings more pain than happiness?
It’s time, it decides what comes and when
They say time moves handy with growth
So much for truth and less for lies
You’ve been hurting that heart too much
It’s time you gave it some space and let it grow
Who are we to decide what happens tomorrow?
A question your heart has not been given an opportunity to explore
You think too much that’s why it hurts that hard
You are angry at everything when they all seem to gracing you a favour
Allow your heart to feel the pain
Then leave it alone to grow over the pain
When you decide the past not to interfere with your present nor future,
You give that heart a stage to explore itself
You give yourself an opportunity that if used well, benefits not only you but everyone around you
I know you are hurt, probably seeing yourself as a fool
But not until you grow will time not be in your favor
So grow up, show up for every good chance that comes around
You only live once, male sure you don’t waste your chance
*Grow! it heals everything*
✍?Gastavas Hearts ??