None had loved me like he did,
His love was a new kind,
A love that conquered not just the heart,but the mind,
The kind that made me love myself more,
He made me feel dear,
No, he made me dear to him,
His love was not the scary kind,
The kind that would hurt,
His took all the fear,
A love too rear to find,
I loved how he loved me,
Through the years ,his love stood,
Through the trials,he still chose me,
It was amazing,
It was beautiful,
His love was like an addiction,
A magic portion,
In him I found more I needed,
More than I imagined,
More than desire,
A friend through each trend,
He was moulder,
A shoulder when I needed one,
He held on to me like a mattered,
He was the master of love,
The keeper to my heart.

~ Nyakayu.

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