I can feel the breeze turn into a wild hurricane
My heart struggling to maintain its beat, stuttered
The air around me frozen to a scary chill, my body burning, easily breaking a sweat
My chest now heavy with dread, my inner self somehow showing against my will, I’m scared of what you do to me.
Across the room, I don’t know what its like to be you, I wonder if you knew the power you held.
How you got me struggling against myself, that you got me scrambling far every time you walk in, pathetic, huh?
But I still wanna stay, I want the chaos we create every time we touch, I want that raw trailer of wild emotions.
I love the destruction you put me through, how you have a way of pinching at my soul so cruelly and still put me back together with a single kiss.
I’m scared of the pain you put me through, but you got me selling my soul just to hold you one more time.
My mind running wild whenever we’re in the same room, my thinking broken by lustful adoration.
I wanted to love you, I want to belong to you. But you scare me more than anything ever did.

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