When you walked out on me,
When you turned you back on me,
It ripped out my heart, the pain was
Unbearable, I didn’t imagine I’d make it
To another day, it was always a struggle
I drowned in sorrows, I sought to flee
but in vain,
I’d sit by the window, and look Outside,
Hoping you’d come back like you always did,
And everytime a yellow cab pulled over, I’d be uptight,
Then when another stepped out, I’d plummet
Into hopelessness
Damn you, you said you believed in Us
Damn you, you said we had something special
Damn you, you said you’d never leave my side,
Damn you, you lied!
Damn you for all the tears,
Damn you for all the pain,
Damn you, we deserved better,
Damn the years we lived together
Damn the words we wishpered to each other,
Damn, I thought you were like no other,
You were just another bastard, son of a b*tch,
Damn the delusion of happiness you spurred,
Damn the loneliness,
Damn You, I reckon all the days we shared, and
I regret falling for you!