In that hour before dawn,
When the night is darkest
Death blows by…
Spreading its ice cold fingers to collect the souls that are its due.
Some may welcome it like a long lost friend,
Some may rage and run from it
Never fully accepting that the time is nigh
And to others, Death comes like a thief in the night…
After Death has returned to whence it came from,
What will be left?
No one knows when the sand in the hourglass will run out
So until then…
Live the very best life you can
Find happiness in the big and small of life.
Laugh at foolish things,
Find contentment in the present
But don’t lose the passion that burns for tomorrow.
Learn from the mistakes made
And never stop striving to move forward,
No matter how cold and lonely that path may be.
Don’t push what can be done now to tomorrow
For tomorrow may never come,
And today would already be gone.
Cherish and appreciate those who walk with you
Pulling you up by your bootstraps when you were down,
And let them know.
Don’t leave them videos and letters
Because the last grain of sand fell…
Before you could say what needed to be said.
Treat others with kindness and humanity,
For who will bury you, you do not know.
Love yourself, flaws and all.
For in as much as others may love you and you may love them,
When the time is up, you shall face it all alone…
Death, as it comes to collect.
Gihihi ?