To him it’s wasn’t about the celebration,
Nor the merry to satisfaction,
To him it was a start of his identification,
It was time to turn his imagination to reality,
It was time he got sincere to himself,
This was his revolution,
Time for his transformation,
It was not another year of just resolutions,
He wanted change,
He wanted actions,
He wanted to set aside the past,
And rewrite a new start,
It was about the dreams he wanted accomplished,
About the visions he wanted to fulfil,
The changes he wanted to make,
The new levels he wanted to reach,
He wanted to be changed,
To be new in sight and vision,
He wanted to make Him proud,
He wanted to place a tag of accomplishment to his name,
It was his time to be his own warrior,
It was time he built his empire high,
Not for them, but for Him,
This was his revolution.
@ Nyakayu.