It is never too late to thrive,
For us along you keep striving,
In a blink, your time will arrive, simply dive,
Dive to the depth of your dreams and
Make them a living reality,
You’re in a dire need to do so,
Believe this is it,
Your time to sit on the table of champions,
Your time to carry the torch up high, blazing,
Your time to stand on the shoulders of
Giants and peer over all there is,
Extend your hand to touch the skies,
This is the one,
All the ones that came before weren’t but this is,
Believe your tireless efforts will yield,
Like the farmer who sows seeds,
And sees them grow to full blown plantations,
Today you’ll see the bliss out of your perseverance,
You’ll see the bliss out of your unwavering resilience,
Today we celebrate, because it’s your time,
Forget the loses you’ve suffered, the falls
You’ve taken, the pestering urge to let go of it all,
It’s your time to shine, to give the glare to the haters,
To smirk at rejection letters,
To say I made it, am a go getter,
Am a none quitter,
What are you waiting for?
Don’t stifle you potential
For greatness by cowering
To take a leap into the unknown,
Sometimes, the unknown is
A beautiful place,
A palace where dreams blossom,
A place where the air is filled with the
Scent of sheer success,
To new beginnings,
It’s a new year, and it’s your damn
Time! Believe.