T ides have changed,
W e have evolved, every
O ne of us,

T here is more to a new year,
H earsays go about, here and there, but
O ne’s only too sure,
U ndeniably, a new year can come as a
S torm, or as
A bright sunny day,
N ot once, not twice but scores of times we are bound to lose grip on our bearing, and as we’ve come to know
D estiny is a wild horse with no reigns, it runs free and untamed,

T oday is a present, tomorrow a promise, the past a lesson,
W here do we go from here? I ask. We are so
E ngrossed in what might, and not what is and what should
N one can try
T o smother the winds of destiny,
Y ou and I gotta ride the tide and be the best of ourselves, it’s
Then that the tides will be in our favor.

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