I hated the mornings I had to watch her hate herself,
The nights she killed her the little girl in her,
I hated how she hated herself,
It hurt it to watch her devalue herself,
Each day she got worse,
It got to her mind, and she didn’t mind it,
Not enough was a zone she was embracing,
Slowly we were losing her,
We were her glow,
But there was no erasing it from her,
Her hate consumed her,
Not enough was a wall we couldn’t break,
That was her empire,
Founded on hate, built on hate, held strong by hate,
She hated what she was,
Who she was,
Everything of her composition,
But I wish , she could see herself in my eyes,
See how amazing she was,
Understand her completion,
I wish ,she knew she was perfect,
How could I show her she was a Pearl,.?
An unmeasurable treasure,
How could I erase her thoughts,
Thoughts that dimmed her beauty,
How could I make her love herself,?
I wish she could see beyond my words,
Maybe she’d love her for her,
She’d embrace her scars ,her mistakes,her weaknesses,
Maybe then, she believe she had value,
She’d know she was not just enough,
She was more than enough,


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