We all need love or at least we deserve to be loved, to have someone
Unconditionally it is, no matter how engaged we might be
if we really care and do have feelings, we’ll always find time for that special someone
a human nature it is
I so chose to talk of mine, to speak with you my special one
I am talking with you my love, my universe
Through this poem, this sweet proses
I write so affectionately all that are and those yet to be memories
I still reminisce the day you held my hands, the very first day I felt the feeling of our palms
The day the love scars on my heart didn’t itch
I find no word suitable to describe the feeling it begot me
For every word you say reminds me that the scars are no more and never will be
Those words, the ones that make me feel your presence all round me deepest from its core
Those consoling, soothing, cheering and calming words
I proudly appreciate each act of kindness you’ve always showered upon me
All the acts of love that make me wish all acts of love should be considered as acts of kindness too
Each dusk when the nights set in, every night when the stars fall
The happiness that your bright smile bestows is all I crave for
At such times when you’re not there, the loneliness is unbearable
The cold from your absence shatters me from inside
When am I going to see you again? my lonely cold heart would beg
For just a glance of seeing you happy is my therapy
It is with you that I want to build a home of love, full of joy
A universe of happiness
For you deserve the best, much more than being happy
You truly are my best, my all-time favorite
And if there is a forever, then it has you in every bit of it
You’re unique, that is the thing about you which makes me fall for you
The times we’ve shared and all the moments we’ve spent together seem blissful
Always heavenly idyllic, you turn each moment into gold, sweet with a glow of diamond
You make every moment seem priceless, though worthy
I need you now and forever, you are my eternal escape
At first you were everything I ever wanted
And everything, I knew I could never have
But how sweet of you, now you are everything I’d ever need
I may not be the man you truly want yet, I have flaws
Though hard I am trying to be
I want to be, now and forever
With you I have found peace, a heart-full of solace
I have found happiness that never withers, full of intentions to bloom forever
I fell for you and prayed for the fall to be long slow drop without an ending
An eternal fall
For if there is someone I’d wish to last forever, I want it to be you
You are more than a world to me, you are my universe
You, yourself are freaking precious, just like the blues of the sky
Last night while I was watching the stars, I only told the moon
About how much I adore you, about all the love that I carry for you
The skies clapped in acceptance, that just like the stars and the moon
I and you are also real, we are true
Shooting star, I am, for every time you look at me
I fall for you deeper
I am infatuated with the moon, addicted to its brightness
The brightness that shines through all darkness, igniting candles of happiness
I am addicted to you
You are more than a star to me, you are my universe
Each time our eyes collide in a glance, I picture it all
I see a forever built and so hope it will last forever
For love is not love and there is no love if it is not you
But love hurts, if it hurts your heart it is love
So, let-go not, if circumstances contradict situations
No obligatory chemistry, just pure and raw connection
In unison understanding we all correct it
Falling in love with you, a soul of pure intentions
Is the most beautiful kind of love, preciously adorable
You are a flower with therapeutic scent, that never seeks attention
But attracts
So, if tomorrow brings new hope, I hope along it so brings you
My heart needs your heart
My universe