Life Chronicles episode 001

Late into the night,

As the spirit of darkness roamed the world

An innocent lass lay on her bed

All she wanted was sleep

But all she found was tears

The memories kept haunting her

The filthy video kept playing in her mind

Sweat was all over her body

She was crying louder

The emotional torture was killing her

An innocent soul was in trouble

Being sure her mama had gone to sleep

She tip toed to the balcony

Aware of the cold of the night

The sky was full of tears

The dark night looked adorable

For once her attention was diverted

She saw something that made her smile

The bigger star in the sky

Kept rotating above her

Until her thoughts were carried away

She quickly wiped her tears

Then it suddenly disappeared

She closed her eyes meditating

She wanted to heal

All she wanted was to recover

She wanted to forgive him

All she wanted was to forget about him completely

Yes, he was her boyfriend

But how could he?

But why did he force her?

Why did he take advantage of her?

Why make her go through emotional torture?

Why give her sleepless nights?

Every second full of agony

Once again tears fell from her eyes

She slowly opened her eyes

And looked at the shining sky

Abruptly a wishing star passed by

She quickly wiped her tears

Then closed her eyes to make a wish

As she walked back to the house

She felt a bit relieved

A new dawn was all she wanted

In her mind she was seeing something

Light at the end of the dark tunnel

Instagram: Fab Pepe

YouTube: Fab Pepe

Facebook: Fab Pepe

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