I love women and sex,
I oftenly find myself in mess,
So much complications due to touch,
Because I can’t just resist not touching them.
I boldly look at them and admire,
So so much that I look stupidly without care,
I say words that cut through their hearts,
Those words that are full of hurt.
I oftenly spank them in parties,
Pull and kiss them along corridors,
And sometimes reach my fingers through their thighs when drunk,
And rub so hard that they constantly bleed and cry.
I sometimes drug and drag them to bed in bars,
Stroke them harder until walking proves difficult,
Just like I did to my mother’s maid,
A feeling that makes me proud.
I love provoking ladies,
Like holding their breasts in pools,
And calling them names,
Those names that oftenly brings them shame.
Things are interesting uncontrolled,
So much freedom that requires no laws,
Laws of wrong and right,
Those of darkness and light.