It’s okay to talk about it
It’s okay to ask for help
It’s okay to take time to heal
Time to rebuild
Time to accept and overcome what happened
And time to start a new.
What’s not ok is to keep the silence,
To protect those who hurt you
To pretend they don’t exist.
Hoping that you’ll forget how cruel they were to you
Hoping that they won’t do it again.
Don’t be shamed for what you had no control over,
Don’t be held prisoner by guilt, self blame and what ifs..
It wasn’t your fault…
It was a choice they made to hurt you.
Don’t let the words of others
Lock you in a cage of pain and hurt
It may be difficult but open that cage,
Gain your wings and fly away,
Gain your voice and speak.
Don’t be silent
For the silence is more painful
That the violence and cruelty that was done to you.
Speak up against rape…
Speak up against sexual violence…
Don’t be silent.
Gihihi ?