Love Chronicles episode 004


I know I’m not famous in this world

But please make me famous in your heart

You are my world

When I look into your eyes

I see home because

My home is in your heart

My mind is in your thoughts

My dreams are our memories

And my heartbeat

Is in your life

Let me whisper something

The day we’ll fight

And you decide to leave

Baby just come back

I can’t live without you

I can delete your contact, messages and photos

But how do I delete your

Beautiful face, soothing voice and the memories we share

Replacing you might be easy

But finding someone exactly like you in my life

Will never be possible

My love,

Never Walk away from me

If you see some faults

Have patience and realize

No man is perfect, I included

I know sometimes I upset you

Because I get angry, worried and jealous

But trust me,

It happens because I love you so much…

Instagram: Fab Pepe

YouTube: Fab Pepe

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